Sruleen Parish, Clondalkin Co Dublin

St John's Drive, Clondalkin, Dublin 22St John's Drive, Clondalkin, Dublin 22

m ruddyTel: +353 (0)1 4570032


Fr. Vincent Fallon sscc PP
Fr Michael Ruddy sscc (Parish Chaplain)


SruleenSruleen is a fast growing area in West Dublin bounded by the original parish of Clondalkin and the outer ring road, the N7 and the river Camac from which the parish gets its name (little stream). Fr. Brenmdan Kieran sscc (RIP) was the first Sacred Hearts priest to serve regularly in the main Clondalkin parish and sowed the seeds for Sruleen to develop as a parish. The land for the parish was purchased as early as 1977 but only formally became a parish of the Dublin Diocese in 1991. The first PP of the parish was Fr Fintan Crotty SSCC.  As with many housing developments Sruleen initially suffered from social challenges and high levels of unemployment. However, the area has matured over the years and today the parish boasts a population of over 2,000 households some of whom are recently arrived immigrants. The parishioners are very active with a parish pastoral council and various ministry groups meeting on a regular basis.  The parish is part of the Combined Catholic Parishes of Clondalkin, (CCPC) with Fr. Damien Farnon PP of Clondalkin Village, being the Moderator. 

vincentFr Vincent has six siblings and was born and raised in Clara in the Irish midlands. He learned of the Congregation from a lifelong family friend, which led him to speak to the late Fr Jack McArdle sscc. Jack asked him a question which proved pivotal on so many levels: “did you have anything to eat?” It completely threw his plans in the air and consequently helped reshape the direction of his life. Ministry and studies have taken Vincent to the States and back, where he has worked in High Schools, Parishes and as a University Campus Minister. Further studies led Vincent to receive a licensure as a psychotherapist, which compliments his current ministry as Parish Priest.

m ruddyFr Michael hails from north Mayo. His family emigrated to England when he was a young child and it was in Peterborough they first came into contact with members of the Congregation, who staffed a parish there at the time. Returning home as a teenager, Michael completed his secondary education, and after college, began working as a computer programmer. Michael joined the order in his early twenties studying philosophy in Maynooth followed by novitiate in California and theology in Heythrop College, London. ‘Since ordination, Michael has ministered in parishes, in college & Army chaplaincy, vocations discernment, retreats and spiritual direction and he is currently the Delegation leader of the Ireland-England Delegation, along with assisting with parish ministry in Sruleen.

scschoolSacred Heart primary school is the local parish school which has over 430 pupils both boys and girls from the area. The school was recently awarded a green flag for its environmental achievements in Sruleen.

Click for Sacred Heart School Website 






masstimesAdoration at Sruleen

A strong emphasis is placed on Eucharistic Adoration and the parish has exposition and Benediction every Saturday after the 10am morning mass until noon.


Mass times:
Weekdays: Mon-Fri - 9.15am Sat - 10 am (Check times for the week after Christmas and Easter)
Sunday 10.30pm & 12 pm noon

