Safeguarding Children
Report a Concern

It is the policy of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary [SSCC] to do everything in our power to safeguard and to support the welfare of the children to whom we minister or with whom we share our lives.  The policies and procedures of our religious congregation flow from the guidelines offered to us by the Irish National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church  (click to access NBSCCC website) Phone 01-5053124

To Report a Concern:
If you have a concern about the welfare of any child, please contact immediately (In IRL) TUSLA / (In UK) CSAS  

If you wish to share a concern to do with any member of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (SS.CC.) please contact our Designated Liaison Person (DLP):
SSCC Priests & Brothers:  - Ms Suzanne Phelan - Phone:  085 1146391 -  Email:   This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  
SSCC Sisters: Sr. Aileen Kennedy 01-4974831

HSE - Tusla - Department of Children & Health

In the Republic of Ireland, the State body immediately responsible for the safeguarding of all children is TUSLA.  On 1st January 2014 the Child and Family Agency became an independent legal entity.  It is now THE dedicated State agency responsible for improving wellbeing and outcomes for children.  While the word borrows from the Irish words ‘tús’ + ‘lá’, Tusla is a completely new word bringing together two Irish words to symbolise a completely new way of working in addressing the needs of children in the State.

In 2018 TUSLA published their audits on the Religious Orders of Ireland.  The audit reports for the Brothers and Sisters of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary can be found at the following links:

HSE (TUSLA) Audit Report - SSCC Brothers Published February 2018 (Go to Page 211)

HSE (TUSLA) Audit Report - SSCC Sisters    Published February 2018 (Go to Page 878)

Safeguarding Children - Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland:

In 2016, this document was published by the National Board for the Safeguarding of Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland.  (Click here to View) The brothers and sisters of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jersus and Mary have signed up to the Catholic Church in Ireland's policy and therefore this document now stands as THE standard we strive to achieve at all times in our efforts to keep children safe in all areas of our ministry and daily life.  

 SSCC Policy Documents

a. Interim SSCC Child Safeguarding Policy 2015

b. SSCC Whistle Blowing Policy

c. SSCC Social Media Policy

d. SSCC Guidelines on Use of the Internet

e. "NBSCCC Audit Report" (Published 10th February 2015)

In October 2015 the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts submitted a report to the National Office for Safeguarding Children, on our work in implementing the recommendations of our SSCC Audit which was published in September 2015.  The link below provides you with a copy of the submitted report.

SSCC Audit Follow Up Report